Ep 5 "Fire Force"

Ep 5 "Fire Force"


Yo. Yo. Yo. What up, my man?


We back.


We is back. Ladies and gentlemen, I know y'all missed us, and, I'll just say right now, apologies, but, life has been kicking, everybody over here at eat the cake anime's ass. Yeah. The past few weeks, since since the last episode. But, full transparency, my man, Deontay the giant, he is a dual heading several shows on top of juggling a work schedule.


I'm over here doing the 1st sergeant stuff for, for the air force. So my schedule is whenever the people need me type stuff. We got Jackie over there in Las Vegas 3 hours behind, and she got stuff going on. So we we trying to juggle and make sure you at least get a couple of people on here. Kenpachi, my man, I know you still support and everything, man.


Whenever you get the time, you know, the show is here for you, Boaz. So a lot of stuff going on, but the anime train rolls on. And, there's a lot of shows to talk about, shows that aren't current, that are waiting for the next season to come out, shows that are current and stuff. But, you know, how we do over here, man. We pick a dope show.


We talk about the, the creation, a little bit about the creator rolling into the, the manga, the anime, and then, we we try to put you on a couple new shows, we have coming, or that are on our radar and stuff. So, a lot of cool stuff going on in anime, and, I'll let you know right now. If if you ain't got nothing else, to say to the people, we can go and roll this, beautiful intro and and get the show started, my man.


Let let us cook.


Alright. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to eat the cake anime episode 5. We talking fire force tonight, baby. Let's go.




Well, well, well, we are back. Just had to make sure we, we send in them links out to everybody out there in the world, giving everybody opportunity to tune in. I know it's late. 10 o'clock EST. So if you're in bed, don't worry.


Podcast and the and the show will be available for you to stream later. And, if you're over on the West Coast, hopefully, you tapping in live. But, yeah, fire force, man. I I feel like this is a a a property. Forgive me if if if this sounds crazy, but I feel like it is slept on more than than than most.


Would you agree?


Heavy. It's just like I don't see I don't see nothing in my feet. I I I don't know what's going on. The show is really high quality and, I I I like the storytelling. I like the animation and the music that that comes along with


it, and


it's just like, why are people missing it out on so much goodness?


Right. And then when you I mean, we'll get into the the manga sales and stuff. But for for how great I think it is, because this is another one of the the mangas that I got into reading after the show had me hooked. I'm like, I'd be I need to the show is coming along too slowly. I need to know what is happening ahead of time.


So I go to the manga, and I'm looking at the sales, and I'm just like, this shit is wild that it's only at and and I'll let y'all know. It's only at 20,000,000. You know? And the other shows we've been doing Kaiju, passed it. Demon slayer, obviously, destroyed it.


My hero, passed it. You know? So I'm just like, what what what is the world not getting with fire force? Like, am I missing something? Is is this show?


Is this story? Like, I don't get it.


This is like the first time I've ever watched anything that's about superhero firefighters. So it's like, how could y'all miss out on this?


The premise original is fucking everything. But, for those that don't know what we're talking about, a quick synopsis of of what's going on here. So, the story is set in a futuristic world. Right? Because, something called the great cataclysm happened to the world 250 years ago, where most of the world was just devoured by fire.


There are some few habitable areas, but a lot of the survivors took place in the, took refuge in the Tokyo Empire. Right? And the, their different regions of the Tokyo Empire. And since the great cataclysm, they kinda restarted their their calendar. So they're calling it the solar year.


Right? So solar year or the sole year or however they they call it. So this is year 198 of the solar area, and each section of the Tokyo empire has their special fire brigades where they have let me back up some. Since the great cataclysm, there have been people that have been randomly spontaneous combust, right, called infernals. Just out of nowhere, people just spaz out, catch on fire, and just fuck shit up.


And then, there's different levels to it. Like, you have your regular infernals, and then the stronger ones are called demons. Right? So Yeah. Based on all of that throughout genetics and all of that stuff, some people have the gene of the infernals, but they're able to control how they control their fire in a sense, and they're called pyrokinetics.


And, there's, you know, 1st gen, 2nd gen, 3rd gen. So however many generations you are, you're considered a little bit more powerful and and have a little bit more control over your, your pyrokinetics at that point. So these are the guys they hire at the special, Tokyo fire units to fight and handle, the inferno. So that's kind of the synopsis on how it goes down. But, again, like my man, Deontay said, the story was original.


You sit down and and you watch either episode 1 or you read chapter 1 of the manga, and you're just like, this is a you know, the world building is crazy. Would you agree?


Yeah. We locked in from page 1. It's just like, wow. This is like the freshest thing I've seen in a while even for a shonen style anime.


Facts. Facts. But, without further ado, we don't wanna keep you guys long. So, let's get into our first section, creating the manga. Alright.


So as I do every time, forgive me if the pronunciation of these names aren't right. And if they and if you know what they are supposed to be, I have no I I have no issue with you correcting me in comments. Later on, I go back and read them all. So I'm just trying to do these guys justice because they put together amazing, material that that I consume on the daily. So no disrespect if if I misread the name.


Alright. So off the rip, man, Fire Force was, written and illustrated and created by my man, at atsushi Hokubo. I believe I said that right. A Japanese manga or just he was born September 20, 1979. And, I I didn't know this until I I started doing research for this show.


He is also the creator of a soul eater as well. Aye. Aye. And if you don't, aye, we may have to do a show on that one, man. Because soul eater, I feel is another slept on.


But it's cool because the ones that know about it, you're like, oh, you were real one.


I'm a have to rewatch it too just for just for nostalgia.


Yeah. It it's it's a it's a great one, as well. But, so he created soul eater, and he's on the fire force here. And, the thing with, Okubo is, he openly lets people know, like, in school, he wasn't about the academics and stuff. He was just drawing.


He knew what he wanted to do with his life. So at the age of 20, he finishes his studies at a manga school, which I think is dope. Like, there's actual institutions in Japan where they're just like, we're gonna show you how to draw some dope ass shit. You know?


Man, that's a come up for that's a come up for


him. 100%, man. Jeez. But while he's there, he met a a fellow animator, Randall Iyan Iyanmine Iyanmine, the artist of Get Backers, and they became his assistant for a couple years. He ended up winning a competition at Square Enix's, Gong Gong Magazine, with his first Mac manga series, be itchy, and then produced 4 volumes of that.


At the end of that, that's when he created soul eater still for Gong Gong and not so much for the, the Shonen Magazine yet. So he went on with soul eater. The success for me, I don't know if it just didn't blow up as big as as as, I guess, most animes were doing back then or, like, it didn't make it to the west, I would say. I guess the west was a very receptive of it. Yeah.


For whatever. Right? So this was back in, 2015. He started working on fire force. So he published that in Shonen Magazine, making it the 1st weekly manga that, he has created.


So in May 2020, that's when he announced that it'd be his final manga. He's not gonna do any. So I don't know how I feel about that. I don't know if he's how 10 toes down he is on that, but I would I would love for him to keep keep bringing stories. But, you know, when you know when you know it's your time, you know it's your time.


You gotta hang it up.


He he gonna go down the history, as a legend for sure.


What I will yeah. We talking fire force today, my boy. Feel free to to participate if you want. So with that, talking about the manga, like I said, was created running weekly and with, normally, once once you get your foot in the door at, it kinda lets you know, like, your your shit's about to blow the fuck up. Right?


Nice. But apparently, like I said, from September 2015 to February 2022, 34 volumes in total, it only totaled 20,000,000. Now I know how ridiculous that sounds. Right? 20,000,000 copies.


Like, how are you calling that a a not great, thing? You know what I'm saying? Like, it's it's in the world of of manga. Like, it's if I read you the the all of the manga if I read you the number of manga that only have sold 20,000,000, you'd be like, what are these shows? I've never heard of these manga.


Like, food wars is probably the most popular one that you would you would know in there. I'm looking at all the other ones in here. Love is war. We got a free ring, but, that that's still going. So that's Yeah.


That's obviously gonna climb. It's at 22 and going up. But,


That's one of the hardest shows out.


Bro, talk about it. Like, people sleeping on that. Like, oh, that's a little fantasy elf. I'm just keep sleeping on that shit if you want. Blue Exorcist.


Yes. Blue Exorcist is on this list at 25,000,000, but that's still that's still a current one, believe it or not. Yeah. Pokemon only has 28. Chainsaw man is 28,000,000.


So for a manga to have come through, ran through all of its volumes, have a very so here's what I'm thinking. The next season is gonna be the final season, but it's gonna come out in 2 parts. So I don't know if when the the anime comes back, the manga sales will kick up.


I I I believe so. You said the manga was done?


Yeah. The manga's complete.


Yeah. The story's complete.


That's right. That's right. Yeah.


So ended, like, 2 years ago, didn't it?


Yep. Yep. February 2022.


That that blew way past me and I was like, dang, I forgot all


about this. But, yeah, it's crazy man like I'm trying to see you know, what his what his inspiration was. I don't think anybody's asked him. He hasn't stepped up and said what his inspiration was for fire force, like, to create it. But, you know, I I'm trying to think, like, how how you would just look at a firefight.


Like, you're probably just sitting there watching a fire truck go by or something. You just like, man, dude. Like, what if x, y, and z? You know? And then you just create this this this thing.


And the best thing about any kind of shonen or any anime or or manga in particular is the cast of characters you have in it. Right? So you can have a dope yeah. You can have a dope story, a dope you know what I'm saying, world building, which is is a big part of it. But, the cast and, the the I will say there's a a plot twist.


If you're just watching the anime, you know, it comes around kinda late season 1, I believe, where they kinda figure out, like, the infernals are not just randomly just something like somebody is is is causing these things to happen to kinda cause mass hysteria. And, bro, because when you really get into it and it just depends, like, if you're in the political or the religious thing. Like, there there's there's powers that be that are trying to, sway the public to think a certain way. And, the these fire force guys are investigating a little too hard outside of their boundaries, and they're finding things out, and the the powers that be do not like that. So Yeah.


Hence, when you get some of these these these big battles that that happen and stuff. But, the main character, obviously, is, I think his name is, Shinra, and he's a 3rd generation pyrokinetic, who has the nickname devil's footprints for his ability to ignite his feet at will. And, that that kinda gives him, like, some super speed and, some some amazing, abilities in the fight and all of that stuff. But, you know, he ends up, joining squad 8. You know, shout out to squad 8.


The real ones out here.


Got it.


Yeah. The the like I said, the characters, fucking like, I I just can't I can't imagine a better a better crew, and and I think it's held together by by the captain. I forget his name real quick. Let me search that shit up.


Obi captain Obi something.


And the wild card. Yeah. I'm about to Google it now. And the thing that's crazy about the captain is that he's not a pyrokinetic. Like, he's just a a OG regular ass dude that just be lifting weights because he know he gotta bring something to the fight.


You know? So he's kinda he's kinda like the shield, in in the, the thing. You know what I'm saying? Carries the armor, all of that stuff. He knows he's like the the slow moving guy, but, he doesn't let that that get him down.


You know?


He had a whole tank now don't sleep on him. Yeah. That's a dangerous man


indeed. You know


this dude ain't got no powers. I can run his fate. Oh he gonna find out


Yeah. And, I mean, he, he carries the, hold on real quick. My wife leaving out the garage, so you probably hear the car all in the background and everything. So,


give give me a second. It's all good. It's like a faint pickup on the microphone. It's it's hard to hear what's going on in the background.


Oh, really? Oh, shout out to RODE mics. You know what I'm saying? Shout out to the microphone. Good company.


And they doing it big.


Yeah. It's, it's Obi Cat Moby. You know, nonpowered by nature, still a formidable opponent for most pyrokinetics pyrokinetics. Through his sound and trusting leadership skills, he leads company aid in their missions to keep Tokyo safe from the likes of inferno. So, yeah, man.


But, you know, you got the rest of the squad. You got, you know, like I said, Shinra. You got, Tamaki, who also joins late. Yeah. You got their, what is she?


The nun?


Iris. What is her name?




Yeah. I know her signature thing. Yeah. Iris. Yes.


She does the. And I love when they do that because, like, you know, the motherfucker's getting he about to be put out. You know? They'd be saying a prayer and be like, I'm about to take this man out with this super kick. You know?


Like, yeah. It's a wrap. It's a wrap.


Yeah. But no catch his body right now.


But, no. It's just a it's it's just a great squad of people altogether and stuff. But, like I said, the anime or the manga only 20 mils short or sold. I don't know if it's been put on pause because it's been a while since fire force has come back out. Like, I think the last last season ended in 22.


You know? And then,




Yeah. So it's it's going on. What? 3 well, I don't know when in 22. I think, like, mid 22, but I know the anime is supposed to be coming back, late this year.


Like, part 1 late this year, and then part 2 of the last season should be coming out, like, spring of 25. So, I


can't wait.


I'm trying to think. I I don't wanna speak out of turn. I'm trying to look this up to see when, but I wanna say it should be, like, in the fall, like, around October or something where part 1 of the final season of fire forces is is about to come out. So,


I have, like, a let me see if I still have their poster. Oh, there it is. So they have the poster, but they don't have a date on it. That's that's interesting.


To do this research. Fire Force season 3 part 1. Oh, they got trailers out. Now I would play the trailer for y'all, but every time we try to play some anime type shit, YouTube, they boy, they'd be finding our ass boy. TV Japan, somebody Tokyo TV, they'd be like, hey.


Hey. Shut your shit down or your your your fucking channel's done.


Yeah. He's like, y'all y'all got one more chance.


My bad. Didn't mean to do it. I'll be trying all the tricks. I'll be trying to blur shit out and everything. He'd be like, yeah.


I still see that shit.


And they give you that eye turner look.


Oh, I was I was totally off. So part 1 is gonna air premiere April 25. So it's gonna be like 3 years since the last episode of fire force before the new shit comes out. So I'm hoping that maybe why the, the manga kinda died off. I would think that most people would start buying the manga to prepare themselves for.


You know that or whatnot. What Will said, he was like, they don't be coming after us like that. You remember, Will, we tried to do the the beat down breakdown of, that that, fight in Baruto.




And we had it chopped up. We had it muted. We were talking over it. We're like, there's no way they're gonna copyright. Take this shit down.


Hey. You know what? We wrong. We saw it.






2 strikes you out with YouTube too. So you gotta you gotta be real. Yeah. But I can even give you 3.


It's crazy. But yeah. So, part 1, season 3 coming out in, April of 25 and the second and 26. So we'll see how that works, man. Everybody's doing this, you know, multiple parts of final seasons.


Shout out attack on Titan in their fucking marathon marathon of a final season. Man.


456789. Yes, sir. Yeah. Yep.


But, that's pretty much what I got for the manga. Tried to see what what gave him the idea to create that, but he he's just like, bro, I just made this shit. You know? So, you know, I'll keep looking to see because I always like to to figure out, you know, how they'd be thinking, how they just how how their creative minds just think and come up with stuff like that. But without further ado, man, the biggest part, the part I love to talk about, and, I think Deontay hit on it in the intro where he's talking about beautifully done, the sound editing and all that stuff, bro.


It's one of the the better animes out there, and I I I can't fucking wait to talk about this shit. So, ladies and gentlemen, let's get into, talking about the anime adaptation. There we go.


Yes, Lord.


Alright. Do you wanna you wanna start off by, by talking to anime or


Man, I would love to man. That 1st season got me hooked. I I don't even think I made it to episode 2 without getting fascinated out of my chair.




don't know what it is about this show. It's I know part of it has to do with like superpower firefighters and these guys are literally fighting fire with fire and it's just like I'm I'm gonna let this ride a little bit and see where they go and it just gets better by the episode like season 2 goes crazy. I don't think we made it to season 3 yet. 2 is where I left off Yep and they they ended that season with like the teammate like youngins are all training with another squad And of course, Benny Maru is out here just like I need to remind y'all why I'm captain of this squad. He he he had his chance to eat and see it too.


Y'all y'all y'all probably like him once he meet him.


Oh, yeah. A 100%, bro. Like, if if I had to sit here and think, like, just off the top, try to rank favorite characters from that thing, like, when Benny show up, it's between him and Joker. When a motherfucker show up, I'd be like, bro, when Joker went full full, I'm out here now.


And I'm just like, he


he he a problem too, man. So, like and and and I know, like, with all shown, and, like, Shinra about to achieve a level of of greatness that that nobody's ever achieved. Him and his brother, it's a whole thing. I I don't wanna get too far in ahead, but I just wanna make sure that I'm calling the right studio out. So I haven't heard much from this anime studio or animation studio called David Production.


I'm trying to see what else they worked on. They dabbled a little bit in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Okay. Sales at work. Obviously, fire force.


Oh, there's a new, volleyball anime, called 243, Saints High boy, high school boys volleyball team. I tried to watch a little bit of it. I thought it would be, you know, fucking, like, the successor to, Haikyu, but it it's not. It's it's a bit slower. It's not as energetic, I guess.


Yeah. They also did a undead unlock apparently.


Oh, damn. That is a sleeper event. Is it? People missing out on that.


I gotta I gotta check that one out, man. But yeah. So Kim


Fox put me on that one.


So apparently, they got they got a couple they got a couple things under their sleeves, you know, so it's not like a brand new company out here taking over. But, Yeah. So it got picked up. It was announced in 2018 like we talked about. The the hype up for this over in Japan, they had the voice actors, for for some of the characters actually be appointed firefighters for the day.


They did photo shoots at a a legit fire station and everything. So, you know, the first two episodes come out, but then, like, recently, there was the, arson attack on the, Kyoto animation studio, where a few people lost their like, a lot of people lost their lives, actually. And they, they held off on putting out the 3rd episode. And, the sad part is a lot of people that aren't, you know, tracking and and following why they did that was just kinda complaining. Like, where's the episode?


Like, blah blah blah. All this stuff. I'm just like, bro, you you gotta see, like, it it's bad taste to put out a show about people catching on fire and stuff when literally right down the street from where they're animating this thing, People were set on fire and killed and stuff by and and for that one, it's sad because the dude who did that claimed that that animation studio was stealing his ideas from a manga he tried to submit. And the ideas, like, if you look at it, the ideas were, like, in his manga, the characters, like, went to a restaurant and ordered a burger. And then in one of the shows, like, these cats was in a restaurant eating a burger.


He was like, y'all stealing my ideas. I'm setting y'all on fire. I'm like, my band. Like, bro.


Man, you need to see some you need to see some counselors.


Fam, immediately, bro.


That is Arkham asylum crazy right there.


Oh, 100%, bro. I'm just like, son, you just killed off all these great animators. People that didn't even know you existed. You know, like, your stuff is I don't know if it's getting to the to to the head of the the studio or whatever, but yeah. So, I mean, that was a sad day.


You know, they put their stuff on hold, but, and and so I don't get yelled at by Jackie whenever she checks this out. Normally, she gushes over the the music, the intros, the openings, and closings. So hard. When I tell you the opening for the first opening for this anime, inferno by miss Green Apple. Yeah.


That shit was instantly added to my gym playlist. And, like, the I don't know if they wrote the song for the show or the show was made up, but you could not have paired a better song with with the opening of the anime, in in my opinion. Like, right out the door introducing this new anime with this song, like, I think that that that helped me really get into it. Because I'm just like, bro, if anything, I'm a just keep tuning in to hearing this song. You know?


Yeah. I've I've never skipped the intro on that show. It's it's both season 1 and season 2.


Yep. Endings is fire as well.


Yes, lord.


So like I said, infernal by miss Green Apple's the first opening. The first ending is, veiled by, Kinasuta. The second opening is Mayday by Cold Rain. That is horrible. Bro.


Like, they intros slapping. They're like Yeah. Off. And that's the part that makes me mad about my hero is, like, I don't think they have as many openings as they have. Like, there's probably one that I'm just like, I fuck with this one, and then the rest of them, bro, skip intro, click.


Yeah. I know that. Forgotten. Yeah. There's only one word for remembering.


I don't I don't know how they fumbled that.


Intros and outros. I'm just like, what are y'all doing out here, bro? Like Yeah. Y'all gotta do something with this, but, yeah, fire force was like, that ain't finna be us, bro. Yeah.


And when their 2nd season came out, man, they had my the the the the home girl, Amer come out with that spark again. Now if you don't know Amer, well, she got the she crushed the, the intro for the red light district, the entertainment district arc for demon slayer. Yeah. She kills that shit, and I know she sings one of the intros for the, sword art online, Alicization ones. And, like, she don't she don't miss for me.


Like, she ain't Lisa, but, you know


But she damn near


close. Hey. She she batting a 1,000 with with her intros, so we'll do that. And then, the second opening of season 2 is Torch of Liberty by our our the the the fucking iconic kind of boom. You know what I'm saying?


Who have one of the best like, when silhouette come on, bro, like, bro, everybody. Like, I don't care who you are. When that song come on, you're like, bro, this shit. You you you gotta stop what you doing and vibe for a minute. Yeah.


I'm cultured now.


Yeah. I'm cultured now. Like, no matter across the board, anime fan, like, this there are certain openings that when they come on, you're like, oh, shit. Like, this is this is the holy grail of of of openings over here. So, so shout out to kind of boom, but and then the ending is desire performed by a fan club.


So, I'm stoked to see, who they got on deck for, these openings for the 3rd season, but, I am not I'm not worried about it because their track record so far with openings and stuff are is, you know, batting a 1,000, like I said. You know?


Absolutely. But, yes. I know. I can count on them. So


Yeah. But not just the sound of the music, but, like, the sound editing and the sound effects for the show, if you wanna talk about that real quick, Deontay. I have never I mean, bro.


It sound like they play in with 808 the whole time. It's like, whoo, what what are y'all doing in that studio? This is like Michael Bay of anime right here. Like, you got a transformers movie with crazy. Wait till you watch fire force.


Son, I'll tell you. Every punch, every time Shinra takes off with his fire powers, like, fam. You can hear it.


Lit. Lit. Started in episode 1. Like, remember he first used his powers and he took off, and I fuck around and had my my shit set to movie sound. You know?


Like, because, you know, they bro. Subwoofer right next to them. I'm like, oh, I like that. I I'm sitting there looking around like, oh, shit. Let me sit up and get ready for this shit, man.


Yeah. The the they do they do something in it and and I appreciate it because depending on the strength, I guess, of the attack, alters the sound of of the the level of bass or or the the the pitch of the you know what I'm saying? So Yeah. Because when we get later on and and we start talk oh, I forget my man's name. Old buddy with the blindfold, buff dude.


Yeah. And every time every time he took a step, it would just explode. And I'm just like, this motherfucker got it.


He's one of the villainous dude.


Yeah. But, like, he would step and you would hear that exposure. Boom. I'm just like my wife is like, yo, what are you doing out here?


And he would just, like, name his attack from the fly. He'd be like, stomp.


Yep. That shit. I'm just yo. This is wild. But I


don't wanna fight him. Uh-uh.


Yeah. But, like I said, man, it it's I think more than the animation, like, the sound. Like, just just the sound enveloping you because, like, it's so much fire, and they and they just they have a way of making each power each because you're just like, oh, it's just fire. But you can almost tell the strength of the attack and the strength of the fire and the flame and how powerful they are as a pyrokinetic by the sound almost. And, watching them evolve their powers to a point, because, like, Shinra shows up, the main character, and he's just using it for speed and stuff like that.


But I think who did he who did he work with? Benny Maru or because they they they went on a quest to try to help him, and it was somebody that that told him the the finger thing, the the focus his flames because he just he just lets them go and, you know, it goes fast. But they're like, you can go faster if you, like, pinpoint your flames so it's like more force coming out. So they're all learning different techniques and and tactics and stuff like that, which is which is dope. You know?


Yeah. Yeah. But, the, the other dude I like in squad 8, we talked about the, you know, captain and everything. The lieutenant that don't play no shit. Right?


The motherfucking Ricky. Hinoa. Yeah. Hinoa. So he he don't fuck around.


So he's a pyrokinetic, but his thing is, like, the ammo he uses, I think is like fire infused so he can control the bullets that he shoots. So that's kinda like his thing, I think. Let me check real quick. Yep. A second generation pyrokinetic who manipulates his flames through his use of firearms.


He controls the power speed and trajectory of the bullets he fires to the point where he can turn the damage output of a normal bullet into that of a tank shell. So, bro, that is that is dope.




used, yeah, he used to be in the army, got out, and became a a a fire force. Then you have, you know, Maki. She's the 2nd generation. I believe she's like she's like the witch, I guess. Her her hat is more like a, let's see if I can move.


She's this one.




So so I forgot I had this up. So, whoop, where we at?


Right. Yep.


That's the captain. That's Obi. That's Haniwa. That's Maki.


That's Shinra.


Shinra. Then you got your boy, Arthur, and then that's, Iris. Iris. So the one that's not pictured is, what's old girl's name? Tomaki.




Yep. So, so that's the squad. But, I think as with all Shonen, there's the 2 guys that kinda don't get along. So Arthur, he is a would you say he's delusional? Or


he definitely has somewhat of a ego issue.


He he feels he's like this this paladin knight. Right? So Arthur is a 3rd generations with oh, it says right here. With delusions of being a knight king abandoned by his parents who left to travel the world after their small restaurant burned to the ground. He's a strong fire soldier due to his, ignition ability to fabricate and control plasma.


So he has a sword, and instead of flames, it's plasma. So that's how he's controlling his his power and stuff. And, of course, he named the the hilt that he controls the plasma out of Excalibur. Yeah. So it's pretty it's pretty dope.


So, like, him and Shinra have have beef. Right? Because he's a paladin, and Shinra is known as, you know, the devil, devil's footprint and all that stuff. So he's like, I'm gonna take you out. I'm a be stronger than you x, y, and z.


So that's that's their Naruto and and and and Sasuke or, Yeah.


You know


what I'm saying? That that that's their thing going on. You know, they're they're Deku in a fucking Bakugo type battle. But, Iris, like I said, she's the one that she's on the roster just to, say the blessing every time they take an inferno out and ensure that their soul goes to wherever it gots to go. So no powers for her, but her backstory, like, she gets into a couple of things, and and, you know, you you can't help but to love her, at the end of it.


She's one of the 2 surviving nuns from the, that survived the fire at her con convent. Right? So the holy soul temple. And, so the nuns kinda act like the medics as well, so that's why she always rolls around. And then they always go to their thing, and they're, they're armed up, they're armed up little, car called the matchbox, which is pretty dope.




almost name.


Yeah. It's almost like a character in and of itself. You know what I'm saying? Like, it it's so so iconic and stuff, but, there are different go ahead.


Oh, oh, yeah. Thanks.


Yep. So there's a different different companies and stuff. Each one is kinda if you watch bleach or anything like that, you know, they have their different, you know, squads and stuff. So you always got the 1 squad. Like, each squad has, like, their captain, their dope dude, the lieutenant, so forth and so on.


And that that's what goes on kinda in the anime, but each each one is crazy. I think, who is it? Old girl with oh, yeah. The captain of squad 5, Hibana. Bro, she Yeah.


Ain't she bad, bro. And and


all all her all her crew be


knowing it too. They'd be like, step on me like I'm gravel, please.


Yeah. Super sipping forward. She be


kicking them in the nuts and Shit.


Shoving her high heels in the side of their head.


It's like Bro, Lord. Wild.


And she had to be the big bad of, like, season 1, I think. And Jenra's job was to whoop her.


Oh, yeah. He was just like, I don't give a fuck what you look like. I'm out here. You know, like, I'm out here. Who cares?


I'm not attracted to you like that. And now because he don't like her, like, she of course, she's just like, I gotta have this dude. You know what I'm saying? You know, ain't that the wild part? Yeah.


But she'd be sipping all over this dude now, and I'm just like, oh, well, well, well.


That man alone.


Yep. But, man, like, I I want I wish I can, like, show you a couple of these clips from some of these fights, but like I said, I I don't want the smoke. But, you know, just the the set pieces that they use, I will say, like, every time they they do I'm a try to bring one up. I ain't gonna bring it, I'm a bring a still up. Just a a picture.


And they better not come from my ass, bro, because it's just a picture. Alright? What I got. Bro, please. Please believe me.


I don't want smoke. I just wanna show people how beautiful this show is. That's all I wanna do. Right? Yeah.


Alright. Let me see if I could bring this up. Oh, you ain't gonna let me open the whole picture? Damn. But if you get a chance, I'm trying to find, like, a image gallery or something.


So I could just cycle through them and you can see these things. But I will say probably the fight that had me, I think it was in season 1 when, Tamaki was, like, getting beat by 1 of the lieutenants from, I think it was squad 1. I think it was, like, when they went there. Yeah. He was he was, like, beating her up, and she yelled for help.


And my man, Shindra flew, it came down and landed on that man head, bro. I was like


Sound effect to him coming through that window. It's crazy.


Round 1 fights. See if I can find 1. Internet will be still works. That still works? Alright.






trying to find some, oh, IMDB. Come through for your boy. I know you got some some pics for your boy.


I mean, they they they stay strapped. Alright. Let me let me set this up just


so I can share for those who haven't seen it. You get a good idea of what the fuck is going on over here. Oh my god. Ads, get out of here.


Here they go. Alright. Cool.


Is this is, this is a full screen as it gets. Full screen. Yep. So there goes the captain. And so you get a lot of scenes like this.


Right? I think this is a atomic like, she has this, this thing called, like, luck or something, like bad luck. So she would, constantly always be in situ. Like, she'll fall backwards or something, and, like, will try to catch her, like, grab her her boobs or something. And it it always happens like that.


And then Maki, of course, be like, you pervert. Quit doing that stuff. Right? So it's a whole thing.




yeah. So it was like this this scene here. Like, she's constant. She's getting beat up. And she this is my man coming through the window to fuck old boy up right here.


Oh, Lord. Bro It's a


bad day for him.


Yeah. My man came, and this is, Tamaki when she starts, using her pyrokinetics and stuff. But, bro, like, the the cast of characters and how creative they are with using their powers and because you think like, oh, this person can control fire. Everybody can control fire. This can get pretty old real quick, but it doesn't.


Like, they are real No. Creative with how they they go about doing that. That's my man, Joker, right there. Kinda like Gambit, if Gambit was on demon time all the time. You know?


But, yeah, if you haven't checked out this thing, I know it's on Crunchyroll. Used to be Funimation, but now Crunchyroll kind of just bought everything, and it's like the the go to thing. This story between these 2, I don't wanna give too much away again, but only 2 seasons of this is out. Like I'm saying, each season is, like, 22, 23 episodes maybe. So, if you haven't seen it, you got a good chance to just binge something real good straight through and enjoy it.


But, Brent, I I I don't know what more I can say about the animation except or this anime except, it's not too late. Obviously, you know, the last season starts spring of next year, so you got time to catch up and get ready.


I might have to rewatch it myself.


I I'm I'm rewatching it dubbed. Like, I already watched through the sub. I'm just rewatch I'm trying to go back and watch the old Joyce that I watched Subbed. I'm trying to watch them dub because when you go a lot of these anime conventions, the Japanese voice actors don't show up, and it'd be like some random dude like, oh, man. I voiced Shinra in Fire Force.


Like, bro, I didn't really fuck with the dub. So,


he's like, man, what are you doing?


I ain't really fuck with you, but yeah. So I'm trying to go back. So just in case I run, you know, I'll pass. I'll be like, bro, I loved your work in in x y z. You know what I'm saying?


So, no harm, no foul on that stuff, but I'm I'm just trying to be and, plus, it's a dope watch. So, you know, watching it again is just a bonus for me. This time, I don't have to read the screen. I can just, you know, watch the show and enjoy it for what it is.






have known the background too while you're cleaning.


Yeah. You got anything else to add about, the the manga or, like, the anime? Let me just ask you this. Who? Favorite character favorite character and favorite moment that you've seen in, fire force so far?


Favorite moment. Oh, man. So I do have a favorite character for show.


Yeah. And


and maybe I will go start with moment first because this Benny Maru has a team. I forgot if his squad 11 or squad 7 that that Benny Maru is the captain though, but it's a really small team and he just has nothing but hitters. It's like 3 or 4 of them and it's nothing but hitters on this squad and he has these adorable little twins. Yeah and you think they just there to hang out and chill and vibe. No.


These are fighters. These little girls are straight up skull busting skull busting fighters. These little girls were out here training the main character and, Tamaki. And, at some point, they were whooping dead ass.


So it was like, what? Yep. Hinata and, Hikagi Yeah. Are their names. So their 3rd generation pyrokinesis allows them to shroud themselves in fox like clothes.


Cute in appearance yet mischievous in personality with a sadistic streak whenever beating bad guys up. And the, the sadistic streak is a is a legit thing. Yeah. Yeah. They they're a problem.


Will's just like facts, Benny's team is crazy. It's like if you once you meet them, it's on because it's like it's it's like 2 adults and, like, those little girls.




And that's it. They just beating the brakes off anything. Yep. Like, what the hell?


So, yeah, his his fire force is a company 7. And it's just him, his lieutenant, and those 2 twins. Right? Because, like, the they're in a smaller village, so it's more like a volunteer. Like, all the villagers come around and and help out.


But, his lieutenant used to be the captain, and that dude was no joke because when, Benny Maru was the lieutenant, they came across like a a demon, so, like, one of the stronger infernals. And sagamaya is the name of his lieutenant. At the time, like, Benny Mara was gonna try and fight him. He knocked out Benny Mara, fought the the demon, and the demon fucking was gonna explode. And my man took the full impact of it.


So now he's suffering from, what is it called? Like like, he's super burnt, like, to a point. What's it called? What's it say it in here? Teforces.


To Teforces. Yeah. Teforces, which permanently damaged his body through incineration after he absorbed the full force from a demon type infernal. So yeah. But yeah.


So even though that man is is legit, like, when you see Benny Maru go in, like, when he's fighting squad 7, like, y'all y'all out here fucking around, like, y'all coming in in endangering my city. My man is, like, next level shit, bro. He's a hybrid hybrid second and third generation, bro. It it's crazy, bro.


Yeah. And I think there's, like, a certain power that's associated with his eyes too. I forgot what his eyes do, but people look at him like, why is his eyes different?


Yeah. Because because he's a hybrid. Like, what like, the I forget the breakdown of what second, 3rd, and all that stuff is, but but he's just stupid powerful and, like, the coolest motherfucker out there, bro. Like, my man, Benny, come through. I'll be like, boy, Benny, y'all y'all better watch the fuck out.


Man, come through. Y'all better watch Smoke. The fuck out.


No one. No smoke with that dude.


At all. At all. But then you have the, the nights of the ashen flame, which is like the, the religious cult that's low key causing all of this stuff. And they have their their powers as well. So without getting too into it, man, it's just a it's a pretty dope anime.


Power scaling is cool. I don't think it's too much plot armor going on, but, you know, some of it needs to be there to keep, you know, to keep the the good guys alive and shit like that. So, feel free to check it out. 2 episode or 2 seasons out there on Crunchyroll, and, it's a great time. But, my man, you got some new stuff to put people on?


Some stuff that that that they may not be tracking?


I haven't started anything new yet. I I've been waiting on, weeks to to pull up this no. Next month. October.


Yeah. Next month.


Yep. I'm I'm in countdown.


Same. I I got a couple things I wanna put people on. Just a couple. You you might have heard of them, but, you know, a couple of things to put on your radar. Shout out to my man, Kenpachi for, inspiring this segment of the show.


Again, shout out to my man, Kenpachi, man. I hope you're doing alright, bro. First thing I wanna talk about. So Netflix just released a a new anime, Terminator 0. Yeah.


Just watch that. I I watched the, the first couple of episodes, and I'm like so so when when we tell you this anime is, like, violent, like, I'm legit serious. Like, it is a it's a level of gore in in this anime that I'm just like, I haven't seen this since, like, fucking ninja scroll. Yeah. I'm talking brains and and fucking they show you everything.


Like, you just don't hear people getting shot off screen. You see the shit. You know? Oh, man. But from what I've seen, I like it from what I've heard.


I've heard a review. They say it's a good mixture of you get a lot of the action. It's a different it's a different timeline, than the the John Connor. You know, it's like introducing new characters, the new threat. So instead of the nuke being the judgment day, it's more like AI infecting all of the the helper robots.


Kinda like I, Robot, I guess. You know? When it's like you got all these helper robots and all of a sudden, you know, the AI God is just like, you know, not fuck the people up and they be fucking the people up.


And this is Canon too to the terminator.


Oh, is it?


This is this is buck wild crazy for them to be doing that in the same universe




it's supposed to be like I forgot what year it's it's set in the nineties.


It's like a futuristic nineties in a in Tokyo,


It's supposed to be I wanna say a couple years before Terminator 2 happens, I could be wrong about that, but someone just told me this this is canon to the Terminator universe. It's about like when, the Skynet, which was the the AI program in America




Had a Japanese counter, and this is how how it all came to be in Japan. And it's like, wow. That's that's wild.


That is crazy, man. So, I think it's it's not that long of a season at all. So easy watch. You could probably knock it out over the weekend. But like I said, if if you have been I don't wanna say old head when it comes to that.


Like, when it comes to anime and you're just like, oh, shit. Like, I miss the old school shit. Like, the fucking Akira and the the ninja scroll and the, you know, like, just the the raw violence of it. Like, I'm not saying people just like, I just want blood and guts and, like but if that's your thing, terminated terminated 0 got you, man. Terminator 0 got you.




I will say also, there's another anime that somebody put me on when I was talking about that, like, the whole AI thing. So there's a, a show on, Netflix called Vivi Fluorite's Eye Song, and it's about a it's in the future, and it's a AI at a theme park. The first AI, and, she she's just like, well, what is she? Not a AI. She's a a an autonomous Android.


Right? So she's working at the theme park. She's like, I just wanna make people happy. That's my programming. And then another AI comes from the future and lets you know, like, there's gonna be a war between humans and AI, and we gotta stop that shit.


So then, like, it's only 8 episodes, but to go from theme park, I'm here to help people to the level of fucking beast that she gets to fight the fuck, bro. It's Yeah. Bro. Sound


wild as hell.


8 episodes. I'm just like, oh, I don't know if you can do this in 8 oh, they did it in 8 episodes, man. And they didn't rush anything. It's it's well done. So it's a Vivi fluoride's eye song over on a crunchy roll.


So check that out if you get a chance. But those are the only 2 I can think of, unless there's something else that you you've you've been kinda catching up on that I guess


I have. All about, Terminator 0 too. Like, I just finished it, like, last week and since then, let's say what other anime have I watched and it's been a grip. I think the last anime I left off on was my show tense these I think they're on their way to season 3 season 2 just ended earlier this year and it is season 2 went out with a bang like he is another traumatic experience for, like, a shown in isekai, fusion, anime.


Yeah. Yeah. What up, black man? I see you in the comments, bro. Like, get your rest, man.


Heal up, bro. I appreciate you jumping on and watching, but heal up, man. And shout out to, emperor Will over there on, Twitch, man. Trying to trying to grow the brand a little bit, man. Yeah.


What else? Yeah. I think trying to think. Is there anything else? Oh, have you tapped into, what's it called?


The time I was reincarnated as slime or something? Have you seen any of those yet?


Yeah. I'm about this this current season that's out right now is the only season I haven't completed yet.


I got a homeboy at work, man. He he's he's like me and him, we we we meet up probably about once once a day, talk 25 minutes of anime, 25, 30 minutes. My man was just like we were talking about Isekai. He was just like, bro, you watch slime. Right?


I was like, slime? He was like, yeah. At the time, I was like, nah. He was like, bro bro, what are you doing, bro? I was like, bro, I got so much.


I got so bro, I'm I'm hella busy, bro. And if you try to have me watch some shit that that's from back then and try to catch up till now, he's like, bro, just give it about, like, couple episodes a day. Just just he was like, bro, I'm telling you. Like, I know that the visuals they always put out there is little little slime being held by the chick and the titties on his head and stuff. But Yeah.


My man my man gets it in.


Like, he he be fucking people up. I'm like, alright. I'll give it a shot. So, I mean, he hasn't steered me wrong yet, so I'll give it a try. But,


I feel like


I feel like I'm the only one that hasn't been watching it. The way everybody was looking at me.


The way that they wrote his superpower or just wrote his powers in general, that dude is, like, one of the the top 5 strongest anime characters in the game.


My man said he's probably one of the strongest. He's, like because because there's a lot of shonen or a lot of anime, I guess, where, like, you have the the broken OP characters. Yep. And if you write them wrong, it's a horrible anime. But if you write them right, bro, you got something you got something amazing.


He's like, bro, they wrote this motherfucker right.


They did.


And I'm just I'm just so I gotta check it out, man. I'll probably start dabbling in it this weekend, but, I think that's all I got off the top when it comes to, like, stuff people probably haven't checked out yet. I know last time we talked, I talked about, Wistoria's, sword and wand or wand and sword. Awesome. Dope animation.


But, that's all I got, unless you got anything else, for the radars.


That's it for me.


Bet. Bet. Alright, ladies and gentlemen. We're gonna return you to your regularly scheduled programming and, wrap the show up. Yes, sir.


Alright. You see my man's headline there. Saturday Night Nerds, my man, Deontay, the giant cofounder, bro. Tell us everything that you got cooking over there and everything you got going on with the the homie Blake and and and Tay over there on on fundamentals, man.


So I do I do have something I can share with y'all tonight. Supposedly, tomorrow might be my first stream, official stream on Twitch. So


What we playing?


So well. Yeah.


What we playing?


Black Myth Wukong.


That shit's dope, bro.


It's so much hype around it.




shit is dope. The first one on the network to play it.




It's gonna be wild.


You gotta represent then,


Yeah. I'm about to get I'm about to get your ass hooked. Yeah.


That's what I was about to say. You about to jump on that thing, like, yeah. Bow. Alright. Learn the curve.


It's one of those get good.


It's one


of those games where it's like, get good.


Yeah. You go learn for the day.


Oh, 100% you are.


Yeah. After this Friday's debut, we'll still be keeping words on Wednesdays going and then I'm gonna start doing black myth Mondays. So every Monday, like, when everybody has some free time, I'll probably go live before I go to work and, get in, like, a couple hours of black myth.


Okay. That's dope, man. I like that. So black myth Mondays, war zone Wednesdays. Will, if you're still in the chat, man, I know he usually does what?


Saturdays? Like, he'll go live every now and then and do all that stuff?


Well, he has, like he, Sunday Sunday nights. That's what


I Okay. Hey, Will.


Days and Monday nights.


October's coming up, man. That that new Diablo season coming out. You trying to get back on or what? Just say the word, bro.


I still got it too, but I I just gotta reinstall it on mine.


Yeah. Same. Like, I probably it'd be like, bro, you like 3 seasons behind my boy. Like, you do even play anymore? Like, I swear I do play, man.


Let me get back on, bro. I swear. I swear.


We gotta we gotta pick up Black Ops 6 too to try out that zombies for spooky season.


Spooky season is coming up, my boy. Yeah. Diablo zombies. You got black, black myth going on, man. It's it might be a thing.


I think there's a, I don't know if Will can get on, but, the 7 days to survive or something like that, like a zombie, multiplayer survival thing. I know, EJ and, Jen play it. They're just like, bro, whenever you wanna get on PS 5 and play some zombie survival stuff, let us know. So October may be a a streamathon with the s n n and and DFPN trying to get out there and and and fight off the hordes of zombies.


Yes, Lord. Zombies don't want no smoke with us.


Not that I well, I gotta learn the ropes of the game first. You know? Yeah. I'm out there I'm out there with, with limited ammo out there acting like it's, you know, acting like it's a first person shooter. Like, oh, shit.


I'm out of bullets. And I didn't craft. I didn't even craft more.


I don't even allow myself to die. I just start the game over as soon as they come after me.


Out of bullets? Restart. Last save point. We starting over. We ain't doing this.


No, not today.


That's wild. Alright, bet, cool. Anything else going on, over on s and n?


Oh, so Jacob's film perspective is tomorrow and that's when we'll do like a big reveal, Saturday night at 6:30 PM CST.




We're we'll be reviewing the original Beetlejuice and the sequel Beetlejuice Beetlejuice tomorrow.


So Alright. Real quick.


Happy to see some spoilers.


Real quick. Thumbs up, thumbs down for, the sequel.


This stuff right here. Spooky holiday comedy for sure.


Alright, bet. Michael Keaton kills it still? He still got it.


He's even funnier than than he was in 88. Really, wow.


He still got it my man. Yeah.


That's good. There's a general Ortega blended in. She's basically Wednesday Adams in this movie too. So it's just more


than Wednesday Adams but


the Adams. Wild movie.


Oh, shit. My man Will said that. Bro, I can't fuck with the outliers, bro. Uh-oh. That should be my bro, my heart can't fuck with that shit, man.


I played the first one, bro. I'm just like, any game where before see the the do shit, the beast caught off guard. I'm just like, come on, man. It's like it's darker here. Good thing I got this camera with night vision.


Like, bro, you just can't leave? You just this how you doing it? My battery's not


leaking. Nothing but noise. You know what I'm trying to


Nothing but noise. No weapons. You know monsters in this bitch. So I'm just like, you ain't giving me a way to defend myself. That's why I fuck with alien isolation.


I'm just like, I know you'd be having a weapons and shit, but by the time you get anything good, that alien be like, bro, I know you in this I know you in the locker. Yeah. I mean, that bitch, it walked past. I'd be like, oh, I made it. And then it'd be like, sheep.


Surprise. You found me. Got my ass. Alright. Cool.


Cool. And I know you got, fundamentals got some stuff coming up. Right?


Yeah. So I I I can reveal that too. So tomorrow we are revealing the special guest interview for Saturday. It is the actor from the cast of Deadpool and Wolverine, But this guy has also been in the first two Deadpool movies as well. I will give y'all a hint he was at the, Wade's birthday party at Deadpool and Wolverine.


So if you saw the 3rd movie, you'll probably see that our special guest at that house party.


Alright, let's see.


I think we're recording it Saturday at 1 pm CST and then once we're done with the interview, we'll be posting it on all the socials


okay And then, the following Tuesday, you guys should be going live for the first time from all social medias and stuff. So if you're not following them, make sure to check them out. It's easy. Fundamentals, Spelled like it sounds.


But but for that blue, yellow, and, black sign, you can't miss it.


There you go. Too dope. What it will say? No. No.


I kinda like, I'm already behind the scenes on on this one. I I want y'all to I want y'all to hit him upside the head with that one on on on Jacob's stuff, man. So, but like I told y'all, man, like, we're we're we're sitting back watching y'all grow, man, and we understand the grind. So seeing y'all do what y'all do, man, You know, much much appreciated, and and and and we love to see it over here. Well, over on DFPN, like we said, my my partner in crime, Black, he out there, he just had surgery, so he's on the the men.


So smoke pit will be done a little bit different, until he gets back. Shows will still be coming out. We also brought back our sports podcast, proved me wrong, streaming on Mondays, and they'll come out on Tuesdays. We got USDN doing a review on, Terminator 0 next Tuesday, I believe. Not sure of the time, but, you know, Amanda New Jersey will be joining him.


They're talking Terminator 0. I'll try to jump on there too. It's rare that they they get on the anime tips. I'm like, oh, let me talk. Let me talk.


Yeah. And I think Queen's and Erdem has stuff coming. Tomorrow is falling star Friday, so the next episode of falling star will be coming down. So, DFPN has some stuff going on as well. So, SNN and DFPN, we we stay grinding.


So, if you could support us by just following Saturday Night Nerds Facebook, all of their social as well as follow as well as DFPN. Much appreciated. We love you all for it. Yes, Lord. Anything else you got for the people before we, bid them a good night?


Something just hit me. Oh, VPN game night.


Oh, that is, that is, the 28th, I believe.


Okay. Okay.


September 28th, man. Yeah. Tap in with us. Like as always, we'll be giving, merch, to some of the the players and stuff from that one. So, stay tuned.


There's always an, invite sent out, but when it gets closer, we'll kind of reshare it again. We don't wanna be spamming people's stuff, and they'd be like, man, get off my get off my timeline, DFP.


Shut up.


So we we we going we going paste it and stuff like that. But, like I said, man, if you love what you see, you wanna support some dope people, you don't have to pay us. All you gotta do is just like, subscribe, share, all that good stuff, and and, just know it goes. It's very appreciated. It does not go unnoticed by us.


So, thank you guys for for the support, and, that's all I got.


My phone.


So that is my homie, the big homie, Deontay the giant. I'm the homie Mac AKA your boy. Thank you for tuning in episode 5 of eat the cake anime. And, until next time, like my man said, Y'all take care. Peace.